

Join us for an exciting afternoon learning how to make soaps and bath bombs! We will have a guest joining us to teach us these new and exciting skills. Participants will have a finished product to take home AND a completed project that we will enter in the fair on their behalf.

Open for 4th-6th grade 4-H members. Workshops will be held at the Effingham UGA Extension 4-H Office. 


601 N. Laurel Street
Springfield, GA 31329


Only current 4-H youth should be registered for this event. If you are not from this county, please contact your local Extension office for more information regarding 4-H programming in your area.

After registration, the following forms are required for participation.

Registration Instructions

By clicking the name of the section you'd like to enroll in, additional details will be shown including the dates, times, and registration fees. To proceed with the registration, use the "Add to Cart" button to begin checkout.

When registering youth for 4-H activities, parents/guardians are encouraged to use the "Family/Group" option at checkout.
Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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