

Richmond County 4-H Teen Leaders and County Council Members are invited to attend "Spend the Day with 4-H", Tuesday, October 10. Participants will meet at 9:00am at the Georgia-Carolina State Fair grounds to help prepare the 4-H displays for the fair. Then, transportation will be provided for participants to travel to the Richmond County 4-H office for lunch and to work on your District Project Achievement portfolio. Lunch will be provided by Richmond County 4-H. Participants will arrange pickup from the Richmond County 4-H office when the DPA portfolio workshop ends at 2:30pm. RSVP by registering online or contacting the Richmond County 4-H Office by October 6.


Meet at the Georgia-Carolina Fairgrounds
308 Hale Street
Augusta, GA 30901


Only current 4-H youth should be registered for this event. If you are not from this county, please contact your local Extension office for more information regarding 4-H programming in your area.

After registration, the following forms are required for participation.

Registration Instructions

By clicking the name of the section you'd like to enroll in, additional details will be shown including the dates, times, and registration fees. To proceed with the registration, use the "Add to Cart" button to begin checkout.

When registering youth for 4-H activities, parents/guardians are encouraged to use the "Family/Group" option at checkout.
Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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